Webmail RoundCube in Shared Hosting
If you have a Linux shared hosting package from us, you can use Roundcube, an innovative webmail app. You can access it through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, used to control the account, or exclusively by inputting a URL in your web browser and then entering your email and the password for it. You will be able to open the application using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the email messages are used by a business as well as an enterprise, for example. Roundcube comes with all of the features that you could need from an email application and you can very easily set up unique identities for a selected e-mail, set up and make use of an address book, set up folders or HTML signatures, select the time zone based on what your location is at the moment, and a lot more.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The semi-dedicated server packages that we provide you with provide an advanced webmail application known as Roundcube. It could substitute any personal computer email app since it comes equipped with every one of the features that you could need - in addition to sending out and receiving messages, you can create folders to arrange your messages, set up an address book to manage your contacts effortlessly, create different identities for the very same email or add a personalized HTML signature that can appear automatically in all new messages that you compose. It is easy to access Roundcube either straight through its login page where you need to type the full e-mail as well as its password, or with the Emails part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, where you can just click on an e-mail and log in without entering any password. If you like, you may even create a webmail login URL with your domain and then use it as opposed to our standard URL.