Varnish is a web accelerator tool, which has been gaining a lot in popularity lately, as it can increase the load speed of any website, sometimes even by one hundred percent, depending on the content. This tool is sometimes referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy as well and is used to decrease the overall load on the physical machine and to enhance the browsing speed for the site visitors. Every time a visitor accesses a page on a given website, the browser request is handled by the web server and the requested info is returned as a reply. If the Varnish accelerator is activated, it caches the web pages that the website visitor opens and if any of them is accessed for a second time, it is delivered by Varnish and not by the server directly. The increase in the overall performance comes from the fact that the accelerator handles the web requests considerably quicker than any web server, which results in much faster browsing speeds for the website visitors. In case any data is changed meanwhile, the cached pages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time somebody attempts to access them.

Varnish in Shared Hosting

In case you host your Internet sites under a shared hosting account with us, you’ll be able to add Varnish with several clicks of the mouse via your Control Panel. The data caching platform is available as an optional upgrade with all our shared hosting plans and you can choose the number of the websites that will use it and the total storage space that will be available for the cached data. The two features that can be upgraded in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section are the number of instances and the amount of system memory and they’re not linked directly to each other, so you can choose if you want plenty of memory for one large-size website or less memory for multiple smaller ones. You can unlock the full potential of Varnish in case the sites use a dedicated IP. With the Control Panel, you can swiftly start/restart/delete an instance, delete the cached data independently for each site which employs the Varnish platform or view a comprehensive log.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our Linux semi-dedicated packages include Varnish by default, so you can make use of the web accelerator tool and improve the loading speed of any website that you host on our platform. You will get 64 megabytes of memory particularly for the Varnish accelerator at no extra charge and you can activate an instance with no more than a couple of mouse clicks through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated server packages. In case you need more memory, the latter is offered in increments of 32 megabytes in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be available to you straight away. You can also order more instances as a separate upgrade, so you can choose whether a lot of content will be cached for a single website or whether the memory will be utilized by several websites. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to reboot or to stop any instance, to see the system log for it or to delete the cached content using 1-click controls. To get the most out of Varnish, you can allocate a dedicated IP to the sites that will use it.

Varnish in VPS

The Varnish platform comes by default with each of the Linux VPS packages that we’re offering as long as the virtual server is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so you can boost the performance of your websites with only a few clicks of the mouse. The more powerful the plan, the more system memory will be available to Varnish, but even with a less powerful package, the caching platform will be able to utilize several hundred MB, so even if you have several sites, you’ll notice an immense reduction in the overall server load and a considerably faster web page loading speed. The platform will have to work for a while while the users browse the website and as soon as the content has been cached, you’ll observe the effect. One of the benefits of employing Varnish is that a less powerful and less high-priced plan will do the same job as a more pricey one without the caching platform, so not only will your websites work considerably better, but you will also spare a certain amount of cash.

Varnish in Dedicated Hosting

You can use Varnish to boost the loading speed of any website that is hosted on a dedicated server with our company when the Hepsia Control Panel is pre-installed on the machine. Not only will you get the content caching platform ready for use at no extra charge, but you’ll also exert total control over it via Hepsia’s intuitive GUI. It will take just one single click to start or terminate an instance or to delete the cached data for any site that is using Varnish and if you’re more proficient, you can also check the platform’s logs. Varnish comes with at least three gigabytes of system memory for data caching purposes, so even in case you run plenty of sites on your dedicated server and they all use the Varnish platform, the improvement in their performance will be perceivable. You’ll simply have to wait for a while until Varnish caches whatever webpages the website visitors load on their end. The Varnish platform performs best if the sites use a dedicated IP address, but considering the fact that our servers come with 3 free IPs, you will have all that you need.