Browsable Daily Backups in Shared Hosting
The backup service is active by default for every shared hosting package we offer and unlike other firms, we keep a copy of your files 4 times daily. We also keep the backups for the last one week and we do not delete any of them, so in case you require any content from a specific day and hour, you could restore it with ease. Even though our technical support can easily aid you with that, you'll not have to lose time to contact them because all backups are available as browsable folders inside the File Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to control the shared hosting accounts, so restoring a backup is as simple as copying a folder or a particular file based on what you need. In order to avoid any accidental deletions, the backups are in read-only mode, consequently they can be copied, but not altered. If you use our hosting services, you won't need to worry that you might lose content material under any circumstances.
Browsable Daily Backups in Dedicated Hosting
The backup service is enabled by default for all semi-dedicated hosting accounts that are created on our innovative cloud platform. A copy of the whole content is generated every single day and we will always have no less than 4 backups of your files for each of the past 7 days. Other than the number of backups, the extra edge of our platform over the service that other companies offer is the fact that you could check out all available backups using the File Manager tool inside your Internet hosting Control Panel. The only big difference from the conventional folders you have is that the backup ones are with read-only permissions for security reasons, but the supervision is exactly the same, hence if you want to restore one file or an entire folder, you just need to copy it to the actual domain directory and you shall be ready. This feature will save you the time that you would probably otherwise spend to get hold of our tech support and will offer you the security that you require as you will never lose any content anymore.